The planet

There’s a little planet, if one can be, in the vast unlimited vastitude of the universe. It’s inhabitated by a tremendous number of living animals and organisms.
It seems that, at least at the time of my arrival, a certain species was kind of ruling the others. At least it was trying by all means, not all successful as it seemed.
This one animal species attracted first my attention, for this very reason. It was so futile to try such a nonsense behaviour. But anyhow it was very pleasant to dig up some of the main traits of the history of this futile try of domination. They already did most of the work and it was almost accurate. From the mammals type of animals they came, as it means they have to be two opposite sexes to procreate descendants and the female carrying the next of kin has mammals to breastfeed him at the very young age, they developped a weird form of what they call language, both worded by mouth and hands, as well as traits and smells.
They did pretty good with a facilitating body to ensure a partly dominating position over others from their kind which didn’t share any of those facilities. They treated them mostly as food to keep their life going on more than one would consider they would deserve. They were also practising some violence for a weird aim called science and pleasure.
Of course they were submitted to forces they would never be able to manage, coming from what they called climatic and geological forces. They once called them as a weird thought of being gods, which they personified into their shape, as to fear them less. But when they became aware that it was mostly a fool, they did another one, and created religions, as to feel less alone, because they were divided into individuals.

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