Archive for the ‘Guitare’ Category

Patience is the mother of…

jeudi, mars 20th, 2025


Mastering lutherie

mercredi, février 26th, 2025

To slow down and relax, videos and sounds with no talk, a relief! of a japanese master luthier.

Love luthier tools !

Casters on Orange amp

mardi, février 11th, 2025

Orange amps and cabinets have two wooden rails underneath and most of people consider putting casters on Orange amps will prevent them to use those rails (some think it’s a sounding device, I have no opinion on that ^^ I rely on loudspeakers).
So, as I like those typical Orange wooden rails but not as much as keeping their full integrity (tegrity tegridy… whatever ^^), I’ve made up my mind to cut through them as to plant casters on the right place. Always usefull and healthy for many reasons.
First step is to measure the inside available of the cabinet/amp: for a Rocker 32 it’s 53,5 x 21 cm ( 20.86 x 8.26 inches) and make a piece of paper that size as a plan (check if it fits right inside the floor of the cabinet/amp, redo if not).
After taking apart the wooden rails, position the paper in the middle of the bottom plank (cabinet/amp upside down and secure it with few screws as well as drawing the rails’ position.
Now is the sensitive part: the paper size is the shadow of the plane inside bottom plank of the cabinet/amp. Position the mounting cups (Fenders are 55 mm max diameter) as to keep them inside this perimeter without touching the metallic corners and considering the axel cup is 15 mm wide in diameter ( 0.59 inch).
Put back the rails in place and use a crown saw (60 mm wide – 2.36 inches ) with a drill bit as a guide to make a centering hole by hand.
Then you can safely drill for real with the crown saw once the rails have been screwed in a dummy plank. You don’t wanna ruin the tolex 🙂
Check if all’s good by taking the rails back to their place on the cabinet/amp.
Now, using a wood drill bit of 15 mm (I only found a 14 mm but it did it ok by moving it gently inside the hole) drill the holes for the mounting cups.
Do a blank check of all of it and if there are no problem whatsoever, you can make pre-holes for the screws, screw the mounting cups and the rails put back the casters and voilà!
Pictures below!

More or less an answer to the thread on the Orange amps forum

Orange cab caster install

Edit: the Orange forum is actually dead, they left their ground to so-called social media, a certain choice I don’t agree with because you cannot see what’s in social media if you’re not registered. It’s simply letting some billionaires privatise free information (at least the forum is still online and browsable). Too bad and too stupid from ya’ll guys, letting billionaires assholes being middle men in a good part of web society 🙁

Lucite Hendrix Armstrong pas pour les tarlouzes

jeudi, décembre 19th, 2024

Sinon, tu peux avoir une teucha à la place d’une bite, ou le contraire, vu que c’est ultra confidentiel de la HAS en fransse rance pourrie par manu le pervers…
Tiens, offert par le journal des droitards:
Sinon, le pdf (vré oufo onsépo): fb218bfa-d03d-4e43-a6e9-c66788cb8478

Tiens j’en rajoute une autre: téléphone au volant, la mort au tournant. C’est fous comme beaucoup de jeunes (surtout femelles) se détruisent en conduisant un véhicule léger motorisé, surtout en ligne droite…

Se décoller des gros cons

lundi, août 19th, 2024

Before polishing

jeudi, août 1st, 2024

A great use of files against a synthetic ivory called Tusk, with a nice sound of glassy clarity (but who cares as it’s for a zero fret guitar 😉 ).

Make guitars, not fascism

lundi, juillet 29th, 2024

Make guitars, not fascism.


lundi, mai 27th, 2024


Down on main

vendredi, mai 3rd, 2024



mardi, avril 9th, 2024


Works on aluminium too

jeudi, avril 4th, 2024

Fake lipstick PU

jeudi, mars 28th, 2024

Longhorn guitarlin

jeudi, mars 14th, 2024

Bidoches d’un esthète

dimanche, février 11th, 2024




jeudi, septembre 7th, 2023

Dérailler, extrait d’improvisation guitare et chant, septembre 2023, auteur compositeur interprête FHP Lornet.

Fuck yourselves, normies dudes.

jeudi, août 3rd, 2023

Making our own “police” ^^

samedi, juillet 29th, 2023
Thanks to Christopher.

Ready to hoot, hottie my chaudasse

lundi, juin 26th, 2023


Tuning the tuners

samedi, juin 17th, 2023

You’ve got those pretty damn vintage sized Grover tuning machines… but some of the holes are quite a bit wider. No prob, mate, use some natural cotton paper you have left from some prints 😉 Fits pretty well the damn thingy ^^ and much tightly 😉 hottie!
Holes for screws are to be 1 mm as the screw thread is 2 mm wide in diameter. All done!
Vintage means traces of old things, nothing but normal life! Enjoy the extra holes from the past 😉


vendredi, juin 16th, 2023

Après un nettoyage méticuleux de la touche (à la laine d’acier 0000 ou 00000, jamais moins) et des frettes à l’aide de cure-dents en bois et de coton-tiges à embout cônique (inoffensif pour le bois de touche, donc), on applique une couche très légère (en fonction du besoin évidemment) d’huile végétale (de préférence de pépins de citron ou d’olive) avec un chiffon doux en coton, afin de nourrir le bois. Faire pénétrer par un constant mouvement, éliminer un éventuel surplus au chiffon sec. Répeter l’opération si nécessaire, en fonction du taux d’absorption du bois.
On note que les inserts en fausse nacre, ou incrustations, ont assez mal vieillis, tant d’aspect que de géométrie. Il y a quelque usure au bout d’un demi-siècle 🙂