Posts Tagged ‘Online 3d Islanda’

Islanda 6000 3d island Online with chat

samedi, janvier 2nd, 2010
Islanda beach

Islanda beach

Islanda 6000 U is online :

You need to install Blaxxun plugin and use IE based browsers 😉  More infos and links on Outside page.

Enjoy virtual world and mini-game (use your mind)  🙂

Islanda 6000 U – Notice des créateurs – 2010
# ISLANDA 6000 U : a mini-game artwork created by Lornet-Design for blaxxun server
# @
# Web location :
# Copyrights Lornet-Design 2009-2010.
# contact(at)
#No reproduction allowed without permission of the authors.
#Thanks to Sarah for her unconditionnal help for 10 years.
#Thanks to Arsène for the stop-animation script and for help on the SharedEvent setup and much more.
#Thanks to GilTheB for giving the keywords “Drawop” and for his “nobeam” code.
#Thanks to Bob Crispen for the disappear script.